I know I've left everyone hanging regarding Crazy8's. That's why you should all follow me on Twitter. Alas, despite what felt like a great pitch we came to a halt in this year's Crazy journey. We pitched well, and had a fun and professional leave-behind, but I got the sense that there was less excitement over the subject matter of our story than we had hoped. I could be off base in that assumption, but I wasn't altogether surprised when the news filtered down that we hadn't made the cut.
The Happy:
It was a great opportunity to get out there and pitch, to prepare a package and sell ourselves as filmmakers, writers, and creators. All pitch experience is a HUGE benefit right now, as we continue working on our show and looking towards the future of our careers. It's great to put some names to faces in terms of the Vancouver scene. Meeting local producers, writers, and introducing ourselves is the backbone of a career in the biz.
The Not-So-Happy:
Being told "No" just plain sucks. No matter the reason, no matter the good things you had going for you, hearing that you weren't quite good enough is one of the most difficult things to stomach. It can be a serious motivation killer. I am a delicate lotus, and must become accustomed to the harsh winds of rejection. That's the biz.
I have decided, however, that we are too far gone in our love affair with this industry to lose momentum over something as small as a "No". We seriously improved over last year by making the first cut with our video pitch. We had way more confidence in our in person pitch than we did last year. We really upped the anti, and showed our dedication to learning an improving. The further away from it I get, the more perspective I have, and the less No-So-Happy there is. I'm sure "No" is a word I will hear many times in the future (this is not an invitation) so a little preparation is a good thing. The yesses will be that much sweeter. So no stopping, no stalling, we've "surfed the comedown" as a friend so eloquently put it, and we're riding a new wave now.
This is me telling you, I'm all in.